Life is too precious to live out of focus…



You know this…

but let me remind you. 

It’s too late to play small. 

I see you…and I’m here to say, your freedom is only realized when you fully show up and play big in life!




I help people clarify their purpose and create a life they’re excited to show up for everyday! Empowering you to live confidently in all areas of life and to have a high level of self leadership and joy.

I’m a consultant, speaker, life coach and the owner of Illuminating Purpose. The fact that you’re looking for me tells me despite any disenchantment, discouragement, confusion or fear about how to navigate this new world, you know this cannot be ‘it’.  

Something hopeful in you is nudging you toward realizing your own purpose and freedom. This is serious business, so we better have fun!

Come as you are…with all of your questions and doubts. 

You’re in the right place to gain the clarity you seek.

“Be inspired by your discomfort, it’s trying to tell you something important.”

~ Kristyn Cozad


〇 Knowing that ‘this’ cannot be all life has to offer because this feeling that something is inherently missing is not the life you want to live.

〇 Hungry to swim in the deep end and have the confidence to walk toward a unique vision with a clear purpose.

〇 Tired of living by default and in survival

〇 Curious to see if you could actually fall in love with your life


You’re a COMPANY:

〇 Desiring to shift your vision and get your team onboard.

〇 Looking to get the best hires and retain them.

〇 Wanting to be a leader that showcases and leverages the talents of your people.

〇 Hoping to create a loyal customer following, who resonate with your values so they will contribute and be served consistently.

Look…we’re all in this together. 

Teams and organizations are comprised of individuals sharing in a common mission and desiring to make an impact. 

Illuminating Purpose cultivates human potential for its highest expression and aptitude. Focussing on beliefs and mindset creates more cohesive and aligned teams as well as fulfilled, joyful individuals.

You want to make your mark. 

You want to know you matter in the places you show up. 

You are in fact a creator!

You are made for impact. 

You KNOW this on a deep level.  You just need an advocate and partner to help you get results.

I know this feeling because I’ve been exactly where you are. It’s the reason I do this work. 

I’ve had the less than fulfilling job in a toxic environment. I wanted to know the impact and purpose meant for me. Many painful days of going through the motions, while knowing I was created for something more.

I’m a relationship-building coach who creates space for your growth and results. That is my sole priority. 

Illuminating Purpose Core Values:






Illuminating Purpose is driven by its values. As the founder, I wanted a company and career that involved high-value, meaningful work that creates great impact!


  • With Life Plan, what I found was that it left clients feeling overwhelmed in their daily lives.  It provided a great 2 day ‘experience’.  Yet when I followed up with clients, I heard that for some their results were not what they hoped for. Overwhelm got the best of them.

    I decided I needed to create a proprietary system of my own to address what mattered most to clients. Their deep transformation. So I chose to become certified as a life coach so I could take clients deeper in actually creating a life they love and seeing the fruit of their efforts. Removing the confusion and coaching them after an intensive process was key to their success. 

    This has led to the creation of my proprietary process of coaching that creates the bridge to your results… and the life you crave.

    I have created this process to better serve you and the desires you have. I care that you have a great ‘experience’ with me, but ultimately I want the experience to then permeate your entire life!


 I finally listened to him and I hate to say…he was right!! 

People are not hard-wired to settle. I just couldn’t stay where I was. I’m a woman who knew from a young age it was not the norm for people to live the life they truly loved. Obligations, expectations and drudgery seemed to be the experience I witnessed. 

My entire adult life has been spent on this path, learning about the concepts of mindset and purpose: implementing them, both failing and succeeding as I grew stronger. And finally in the last 6 years, teaching these concepts.  

We humans want to be that person who is empowered and empowers others. 

We also want to be surrounded by people who inspire us. 

This is the work I love and am called to do… and ties my own story to the story of my business.


 Freedom starts here… 

Admit your hunger for confident purpose.

As well as your desire to curate a life and business that create impact and fire you UP!

Something you’re inspired to welcome in and create every single day. 

THIS is what I’m created for. 

Joining you on your path to fulfillment of who you are and the realization of what you truly desire. 

Personal transformation that leads to seeing you fall in love with life is my greatest joy.

I’m here for the WIN~WIN!

When the purpose, values and vision are compelling…you can’t help but be pulled toward expressing them and inspiring others to do the same! 

This life is tricky and precious and you have inside you just what it takes to thrive.

The world needs what you have to offer! 

Now, let’s have some fun!

This is me in a personal moment of breakthrough, FREEDOM & JOY! This is what I want to champion for YOU!

My Words are many, but LIFE is short!  

The time is now. Let’s get you free!